Native Audio Midnight

Sale price$229.00


The Midnight is a phaser pedal that expands on traditional analog phaser design. By utilizing digital control, the Midnight offers five global waveforms to its two modes: tap and ramp. Tap mode offers tap tempo functionality with four available subdivisions. Ramp mode allows the user to set a slow and fast phasing speed and accelerate between the two, emulating a classic rotary speaker cabinet.


  • Analog phaser with five selectable waveforms

  • Tap tempo with four divisions

  • Ramp mode to alternate between two selectable speeds

  • External input for additional tap tempo and ramp control

  • Soft-touch bypassing with latch/momentary switching

  • Top-mounted jacks

Power: 9V DC, 50mA (center negative)

Dimensions: 2.6''x4.77'' (W x L)


About the Artwork:

The Midnight is a tribute to my Blackfeet (Amsskaapipiikuni) heritage and dedication to my father who passed in 2017. Prior to my father’s passing, he gifted me with a painting, so I decided to implement elements of the painting in the Midnight’s artwork. The Midnight artwork features a teepee (niitoy-yiss), which was used by the Blackfeet and other Indigenous peoples of the plains because of its protection and mobility. The teepee stands strong in the plains underneath the midnight moon (kokomi-kisommt). The purple tone represents the passing of my father which was a major transition in my life.

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